Nathan Jansen writes, performs, directs, hosts and educates. But seldom all at once. After studying Trumpet Performance and Acting at Kansas State University Nathan trained at The iO Theater and The CSz Chicago Theater. He has worked as an actor, emcee, writer, teacher and Creative Director for the past 20 years.
Ten of which he spent honing his script writing talents at On-Cue, crafting bespoke content for clients like Northwestern Mutual, Accenture, and Lions Club International.
To relax from a long day of writing, Nathan regularly contributes to plays, musicals and sketch comedy shows in Chicago and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. He draws on his 20-year career as a professional touring improviser to adapt to any needs, adopt any voice, and inject creativity into all his work. His chief desire is to be so proficient a writer that AI chatbots won’t take his job.
He performs and directs all around the world but can most regularly be found at the Second City Skybox stage performing an improvised musical with Baby Wants Candy or writing and on-site with On-Cue.